Monday, 31 October 2011

Entry #03 How blogging is therapeutic

So they say 'Blogging is therapeutic'.. the fact is they don't say it. this crappy thought just came to my mind and i googled it just to see that wow man, for my thoughts are so incredible, even google has results for them. -.- anyway and that's when i found that this topic had been discussed many a times.
They say (this time time they really do say it) blogging is therapeutic (am i not repeating the topic just a little too much?) because 

1. 'its a great way to express oneself' > the stalest line a blogger could even come up with

2. 'it helps them to relax' > probably because you just let all the shit out

3. you get excellent feedback > wait till this dude gets some real mean comment on his blog 

4. It allows you to process information in your mind so that you can bring things to a closure > more appropriately as 
okay. Bloggin might be 'relaxing', or a great way of expression but honestly it's only when

i) you get a good, heavy traffic on your blog, otherwise no-audience adds itself to the list of problems in your already stressed out life 

ii) when you get a real good comment rate, in which people not only praise you but sort of argue among themselves too (that's when the real fun part comes)

iii) when your blog is shared. God! you feel so worthwhile (worthwhile and because of this?! Now i am seriously considering if i have a life or not)

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